
F3_2009 clutch laid today & F4_2009 clutch almost all out...

We brought the kids in the hatchling/incubator room today like most days, but today we brought the camera in. They really like this time of year. Every morning Caleb wants to see if there's a new clutch that was laid (he's 1.5 years old). He was very excited when we found one today. Both Caleb and Naomi got to each hold a baby from the Yellow Belly clutch. They both seem to understand that babies come out of the eggs that sit in the incubator. They love to see the babies hatch :)

For the Yellow Bellies, they are all out except two that are taking a relaxed approach to starting life lol! From what I can see, I believe that there are probably an even split of 5 Yellow Bellies and 5 Normals. I look at that carefully once they are all out. Very nice clutch, but so far I have to say, the Yellow Bellies re not as nice as their father, who is an exceptional (very visual) Yellow Belly.

So this should be our very last clutch of 2009. From what I understand and have seen, the other few females I thought may lay will not lay this year. It's quite disappointing for us that the possible het Super Stripe did not produce for us this year. Looks like a project we will have to look at for next year it seems. This F3_2009 clutch is produced by an interesting female that has a Granite look to her and is a very nice Black Back at the same time. She has produced for us in the past. Some of her babies to tend to keep her black back look and we've held back a male pastel that she produced and also a couple of female pastels as well. Some normals she's produced in the past had the same look as well. She was line-bred in the hopes that there is something interesting going on, but with little activity, we decided to breed her to the Mojave male (same story as the F14_2009 clutch laid a few days ago)... we'll have eggs hatching as late as September 21st this year - crazy!

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